And neighborhood it is, in every sense of the term. Sherman Park neighbors represent all the cultural and ethnic backgrounds that make this country both rich and varied. Our residents are African American, Middle Eastern, European American, Hispanic/Latino, Asian, and American Indian. They are Jewish, Christian, and Musilm, life-long citizens and immigrants, blue collar workers and professionals. And all contribute to the vitality of this city within a city.

Sherman Park is a community on the move. It is awake, vital, and eagerly pursuing the American Dream of a better life. Hard work, mutual cooperation, sharing concerns as well as triumphs, and meeting for the traditional Friday night fish fry are all hallmarks of this unique group of citizens.

Here, perhaps more than anywhere else in Metropolitian Milwaukee, residents band together for political clout. Fiercly proud of their accomplishments, they devote thousands of volunteer hours to enriching their neighborhood and expanding its possibilities for those who live, work, pray, and play within its boundaries.

Take a closer look at what Sherman Park has to offer. It's a vibrant heritage with a focus on the future - a tomorrow filled with amenities and opprtunites for all.
